10 Tips For Living The Jungle Life (Wherever Your Are)

10 Tips For Living The Jungle Life (Wherever Your Are)

Happy holidays from the jungle! As 2020 draws to a close (phew, what a bizarre year) we're focusing on gratitude and natural living. Simple things we're grateful for right now? Healing tropical air, nourishing fresh food, family, siestas and fiestas (socially distanced!) with amigos.

We know that travel is risky right now for many free-spirits. We're sending jungle health your way from afar. If you're feeling stuck at home, check out these fun tips to live the jungle life wherever you are!

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Invest In Yourself With Cori Jacobs

Invest In Yourself With Cori Jacobs

Wildpreneurs often make sacrifices and compromises in order to chase our dreams and wild ideas. Yet, many free-spirits have learned the hard way that regardless of circumstances, self care should always be a priority. Investing in ourselves is crucial, not only for health, but for the longevity of our Wildpreneur pursuits. This excerpt from Wildpreneurs Chapter 3: Financial Rollercoaster features wisdom from Wildpreneur Cori Jacobs. Also check out her silk scarves (they make lovely holiday gifts!).

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Find What Moves You - SweatPlayLive

Find What Moves You - SweatPlayLive

Shanti has inspired me to try things I didn’t think I was capable of. Her beach workouts have repeatedly empowered me to move my body in new ways, to step outside my comfort zone, to practice self care, to feel strong and chase what makes me alive.

A powerful combo, right? Shanti is truly a beautiful force.

Shanti is the founder of SweatPlayLive: personal training, fitness, wellness and surf retreats. She is one of the most inspirational, motivational, supportive and strong people I know—her life story is remarkable. Shanti was the first wildpreneur I interviewed for Wildpreneurs several years ago, her support has made all the difference!

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Instinctual Health with Natalie Jackson

Instinctual Health with Natalie Jackson

An e-mail popped up in my inbox about 6 months ago. It read: “My partner Lucas is a grad student at Southern Oregon University. I saw the cover of Wildpreneurs on your desk, quickly snagged it and didn’t give it back until I finished…Your book was magic!! You provided stories, insights and question prompts to set my inner compass. I especially loved your short interviews with other self employed folks. BUT! Most of all, I could finally relate to an author who has a robust outdoor background, like I do, who combines wellness, self-employment & soul work.” — Natalie Jackson. This thoughtful message meant so much to me. I’ve been in touch with Natalie ever since. It’s been awesome to watch her germinate, sprout and blossom as a Wildpreneur!

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Garuka Bars and Gorillas

Garuka Bars and Gorillas

This summer’s adventures on Lake George, NY are fueled by Garuka bars! YUMMY. My nieces are gobbling up these healthy snacks. “I love knowing that the bars we make go on amazing adventures with people all over the world,” says founder Mike Rosenburg. Garuka bars will certainly be a key ingredient to our international life!

I tasted my first Garuka bar several years ago at the end of a long day kayaking in Vermont’s Green Mountains. I nibbled until only crumbs remained. Disappointed that my snack had come to an end, I noticed a Gorilla on the packaging and began to read. I was intrigued! Garuka, in a nutshell is five Vermonters hand making awesomely tasty and healthy energy bars. Wholesome ingredients + raw honey + recyclable packaging + 1% of all profits to mountain gorilla conservation. As a Vermonter myself (born in Newport, VT), I was curious to know more about this unique nourishing snack. Founder Mike Rosenburg happily shared his wild inspiration.

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Jungle Baby's Advice: Digital Wellness in a Virtual World

Jungle Baby's Advice: Digital Wellness in a Virtual World

Ever feel like your phone has become an extension of your arm? Though our social calendars have cleared, our headspace is being filled with infinite virtual opportunities. This is a blessing and a real challenge. During this stay-at-home period of time, we’re all Wildpreneurs—we’re adapting to unknown territory and making decisions about how to manage our time personally and professionally. With this new “normal” how will we manage our relationships with our devices?

The other day I noticed my 6-month-old son Zephyr watching me: fascinated with the device that consumes so much of my attention. If baby Zephyr could talk, he would probably ask, “Why can’t we just watch the trees? They’re far more interesting than that unnatural thing you’re always staring at.” Check out baby Zephyr’s tips for digital wellness.

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Forest Bathing with a Musical Squirrel

Forest Bathing with a Musical Squirrel

What the heck was that? I strained my ears to hear, it sounded as though a child was attempting to play clumsy chopsticks on the piano. But how could that be? This old house has a piano, but me and my snoring old yellow lab Paris were the only occupants at the moment. Or so I thought? As the mysterious notes continued, I tip toed down the stairs. Ah ha! I’m not sure who was more surprised—me or the squirrel bouncing over the keys.

The Beetthoven squirrel jumped off the piano, out the window and scurried into the woods. Intrigued, I sprang into pursuit. Of course, the squirrel disappeared into the forest before I could even slip on my shoes. Paris ambled down the stairs and looked up at me groggily.

“Well, why don’t we follow the musical squirrel into the forest?” I asked Paris. Her ears perked up and she wagged slowly in response.

As we ventured into the New England forest, my delight from the unique squirrel encounter turned into awe at the natural beauty around me. As we wandered, listened, sniffed and felt the leaves, I began to practice what was recently described to me as “forest bathing.”

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