Viva Mexico! Emprendedores Salvajes hits the shelf today.

Viva Mexico! Emprendedores Salvajes hits the shelf today.

Wildpreneurs has a new look...en español! Mexico inspired and empowered me to become a Wildpreneur and to write my book. It makes my heart sing that today Wildpreneurs hits bookstores across the country. Viva Mexico y gracias amigos!!! Grab your copy of Emprendedores Salvajes here. (if you're studying Spanish, this read will be great practice).

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Book to be published by HarperCollins Leadership

Book to be published by HarperCollins Leadership

It’s taken me a while to find the best home for my book but the stars have aligned and I’m excited to announce that The Wildpreneurs will be published by HarperCollins Leadership. I am delighted to be creating a synergy with HCL and its inspiring team. Good things ahead!! Given their holistic approach, The Wildpreneurs will take many shapes: hardcover, paper back, audio, E-course and more. All will be designed to empower you free-spirits on your journey through creating unconventional businesses. Stay tuned!

This is my first book and I’ll be learning much about the publishing process. I look forward to sharing my journey with you on this blog. Thank you all for your incredible support thus far. The adventure of wildpreneurship continues!! For now, a huge GRACIAS to my jungle family. Thank you for picking me up, dusting me off and believing in me every single day. My heart is filled with wildpreneur love!

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